Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Night

Just a quick update tonight.  I spent most of today helping Mr. Ivins on the bathroom.  We did a lot of sheetrock sanding, and then we got one wall painted (the one behind the toilet and sink) and got both of those installed.  I also got the showerhead installed in the shower.  But we were missing several parts for the sink, so I ran to Home Depot to get them, but after I got back he realized we didn't have the drain assembly either.  He was going camping this weekend with his family, so he had to leave, so after lunch I ran into town and picked up the drain pieces we needed and came back and put those on.  But it still doesn't work because one of the pipes isn't quite long enough...  So I need to get an extension next week...

After lunch, Aunt Leslie was down playing the piano, so I pulled out my violin and played with her for awhile.  That was a lot of fun. :)  Then this evening, we watched about every video I've uploaded to the internet and some that she wanted to show me.  And then we looked at a bunch of pictures.  So it was fun.  But now it's late and I need to get to sleep because we're getting up at 5 in the morning to see if we can see an meteors...  They're supposed to be falling tonight and that is the best time to see them - or so they say.  So we'll see...

Anyway, have a great night!

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