Saturday, February 18, 2012


It has been a really good Sabbath.  My alarm didn't go off until 9:00 this morning. :)  I was up before then, but it was still nice.  Doug Bachelor had Sabbath school at 10:00 and church at 11:00.  He talked about Jonah for his sermon and all the parallels between the life of Jonah and the life of Christ.  It was incredible!  I had never realized how the sign of Jonah that Jesus said would be given the people was actually more than just being in the belly of the whale.

After eating lunch at a friend's place with a whole bunch of other friends, I raced over to the Chattanooga First Church for a meeting of the Evangelism Committee.  Then came back to hear the last part of Pastor Doug's talk this afternoon.  Mr. Ivins was here today, so it was great visiting with him for awhile as well!  We were talking so long that we were late to Heldzingers' place tonight, but oh well.  We watched the film "Hidden in Silence", about a girl that hid Jews in her attic during World War II.  It was incredible!

Anyway, I am now in my room, so goodnight! :)

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