Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today went pretty well.  Katie helped me with song service this morning, then I got some stuff done for the Sabbath School on Sabbath before meeting Kayla to study Hebrew.  Since we finished our first test and our average is at least a B, we're not required to go to lab sessions anymore.  So we decided that we'll quit going to the lab and just meet and study by ourselves during that time instead.  So today was the first day we did that. :)

Convo was pretty good.  We are having a student week of prayer on campus this week, so it was part of that.  Then classes...  And I was really hungry by the time 3:15 came around and I got out of class so I could eat!  But thankfully Katie brought a granola bar for me at the 1:00 class we have together.  So I really appreciated that!

This afternoon I just finished Hebrew homework that's due in the morning and hopefully finished memorizing the paradigms I have a test over tomorrow.  It's a 100% test, so if I miss anything, I have to retake it, just like our vocabs...

Oh, and DeWayne and I played racquet ball for an hour as well.  So that was a lot of fun. :)  But now I'm off to bed.  Goodnight! :)

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