Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

I was greeted with quite the shock when I got to Hebrew lab this morning.  I found out that Steve Jobs had died last night!!!  I guess it was to be expected sooner or later, but it's kind of ironic that he dies on the same day they announce the iPhone 4S...  Anyway, so that has been the topic of a lot of our discussions today.

This afternoon I mostly had off, so I was able to get my Hebrew homework done for tomorrow morning.  Boy was it a long exercise...  But I just finished and I'm going to head to bed!  The only thing we did for outreach was try to visit a girl that hasn't been at the meetings the last couple of nights, but she wasn't home, so we just left her the sermon notes.  So that didn't take too long.

I'm trying to think of anything else exciting from today...  Oh yeah!!!  I had forgotten about the dividend until today!!!  So I am really happy about that. :)  But anyway, I guess I'm too tired to think of anything else.  So goodnight!

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